Tuesday 3 January 2012

Moving HA+D onwards

Hi Everyone,

After three years establishing HA+D through some of the toughest economic times, we have parted ways with our joint venture publishing house as they cannot seem to see the future in printing the magazine anymore - especially in Asia.  So that leaves me in a quandary:  Should I continue with a reworked print edition model to serve the industry that I started building with Hospitality Design (Asia Pacific & Middle East) in 2005 or look towards the digital arena to give concise reviews, design synopses, great pictures and schematics as well as industry thought leadership essays and interviews?

This is my first attempt at blogging and I feel that it could be a much more interactive way for our industry to discuss and appraise projects and topics that affect the way we design and build hospitality projects; whether they be hotels, resorts, restaurants, spas, bars and nightclubs or other up and coming guest experiences such as serviced apartments, sports clubs etc.

My media company is Trefoil Media Group and along with Eileen Chang, my co-founder at HA+D and TMG, we are committed to building communities and then fostering the relationships that we have built in order for those in the industry to learn the best in design business knowledge and find the latest products that are available to us to create outstanding guest experiences and build successful businesses.

Let me know what you liked about HD and HA+D (Hospitality Architecture and Design), what you didn't and what you would like to have discussed on this blog.

As in anything we do, the interaction of those who participate is paramount to this being successful and more importantly beneficial to the community we serve.  That community encompasses owners and operators, architects and interior designers as well as the services and manufacturers that realise our design ideas.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your support over the years.

Happy New Year,

Tony Smyth
Managing Director + Chief Editor